
Who will take care of your health while you are in India ?

 India is a spiritual country . Sprituality is spread every where  from getting good health to creation of wealth . While visiting to India you will come across of different types healing practice whic will not heal your body but mind too .However topic is not about Ayurveda  or yoga . 

 India also extend good allopathy treatment in economic price .In recent years there are number of corporate hospitals  attracting large number of  foreign patients to get  medical treatment  in economic range. Most of time everything goes right .  However you need to be little cautious .

         Recently a parlimentary panel (8th May 2012 ) submitted a report which directly raise serious concerns against prescribing drugs in India. The Multinational Pharma Company that are operating in your country not doing business with that loyality in India . DCGI (Drug Controller General of India ) ,the drug regulaotry authority allowing some drugs which are banned in your country eg Nimesulide ,analgin ,Deanxit ,some different fixed dose drug combination (FDC) etc . This is happening in India because of evil nexus comprising of greedy people . Sprituality died profitibility is sole concern for them. So check with your doctor before you get the treatme. 
 For anything you can write in this blog .I will definately try to help you

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